Our history begins thanks to Mr. Mario Botta.


ABC s.n.c. is settled in Turin, with its headquarter in Via della Rocca 12 and V.A.T. 00721220010. The partners are Mr. Amione G. Franco, Botta Mario and Caldera P.Carlo


In 1970 the Company moves in Corso Maurizio 71 and in 1972 Borgo d’Ale plant is build and it will be active until 1978.


The Company becomes A&C Spa reaching a nominal capital of 1.500.000.000 Liras.

In 1978 the Company moves in its current haedquarter situated in Turin. Strada del Francese 93


The A&C Spa changes in Avvito Service A&C srl decreasing its nominal capital to 99.800 €, refunding the bond loan and leaving the warehouse property to CALDERA S.a.s.


Finally Avvito Service A&C srl changes again, becoming AB&S AVVITO srl, with a nominal capital of 120.000 €, by including the Society AB&S srl.